Office Workstation

Here at Lazy Maisons, we offer solutions for business owners to maximise their collaboration space. You will find affordable office workstations that complement an open office space. Each workstation accommodates two people, giving them their own space. It is an efficient space-saver, taking less space than giving two people one desk each.

The office workstation can hold up to 120kg, more than enough for office equipment like monitors, printers, and stationeries.

What makes Lazy Maisons’ office workstation so special?

The regular office workstation already works well, saving more space and increasing collaboration. Our goal is to improve the model, making the workstation even more functional. Hence, our office workstation is height-adjustable. Workers can shift the table from sitting to standing height, allowing their body to stretch and move while working.

These office workstations have a great impact on reducing body aches, correcting posture, and increasing productivity. Moving around can reduce screen fatigue, helping workers keep their focus longer. Plus, it is healthier for the body to move every once in a while, burning calories whenever we can. With increased productivity and heightened collaboration, your workflow will gradually become more seamless.

Our office workstation is also customisable. In the frame’s middle, you can put a partition between two workers to give them privacy. The partition can be anything, from a regular board to a felt cushion board for pinning notes. The variation is endless. Moreover, the office workstation space is compatible with any tabletop. Therefore, you can buy your preferred tabletop and customise it as you please.

For offices that need many office workstations at once, we offer a bulk-buying discount. Contact us for more information. Shop at Lazy Maisons now to get the best product for the best price.